let us know how it works, Lee
"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Helpful person wrote:
>> On May 18, 9:36 am, Roy > wrote:
>>> On Friday, May 18, 2012 1:08:54 AM UTC-6, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> Bread Boxes are so 19th century. Freezers and refrigerators have
>>> replaced them long ago. No thinking person uses them today unless
>>> they have rats as big as cats. Most air has natural mold
>>> spores...keep bread in plastic bags and handle in with clean hands
>>> or sterile paper towels or cloths to avoid contamination. Most
>>> bakery bread comes with its load of mold built right in. Commercial
>>> bakeries use chemicals in their bread to deter mold but it cannot
>>> get it all or the dosage required to do so would affect people's
>>> health.
>> Good advice if all you eat is Wonderbread. Refrigeration, plastic and
>> pre sliced are the enemies of good bread. It should be stored in a
>> box with a small amount of ventilation. The ventilation inhibits mold
>> and restricting the ventilation reduces the drying process.
>> If you live in very high or very low humidity then unfortunately there
>> is not much to be done, except eat it quickly.
>> http:www.richardfisher.com
> Thanks! Looks like I got the right box then.