Jeff Smith the Frugal Gourmet RIP
On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 23:12:24 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
> > Jefferson Smith taught me how to make a great spinach quiche and also a nice
> > pot roast with mushrooms in port and several other items from a number of
> > books. I have to say, I don't give a shit about the accusations and frankly
> > don't believe them; he was the precurser to modern day television chefs when
> > there was no food TV. He will be missed.
> By whom? If one was going to miss him, I would think they would have
> gotten over it by now. He hasn't been on tv forever.
I'm with Jill. I liked him up to the end and I'm not over
it yet. <sob> He was my last appt. tv for food shows.
Everyone since is only stumbled on by mistake (including
Martha in her heyday).
Practice safe eating - always use condiments