Bread box?
On Sat, 19 May 2012 16:34:38 -0400, Cheryl >
>On 5/18/2012 1:15 PM, George M. Middius wrote:
>> gtr wrote:
>>> "The way" of bread is to buy it fresh and eat it, citing the way folks
>>> make a daily run for tortillas in Mexico, French bread in France or
>>> Vietnam and sangak or barbari in Iran (or in Irvine/Yorba Linda!).
>>> Her point is well made: There is fresh bread and then there is everything else.
>> I often freeze bread. Then it has to be toasted, but that's not a
>> drawback for me.
>I use mostly rye bread for sandwiches and I find that just thawing it is
>fine for me, though I will sometimes toast it. There are even times
>I'll make a sandwich for work with frozen bread and it's thawed by lunch
>time and none the worse for wear.
I've very rarely had bread go moldy, doesn't lay around long enough...
I keep a couple loaves in the freezer and the one I'm working on in
the fridge. About the only baked goods that will sometimes develop
mold are the expired packages I buy at discount to feed critters,
sometimes I buy a whole lot so when I notice mold it all goes out at
once, critters don't mind a tiny bit of mold. Yesterday I tossed out
a package of three remaining corn muffins that were so awful I
wouldn't eat them, they were hiding in the back of my fridge and not
moldy but hard as rocks, geese consumed every speck in minutes.