I ate tomato slices on a sandwich
On 20/05/2012 12:48 AM, Cheryl wrote:
> Since I was a kid I've never liked tomatoes. Not sure why. So into
> adulthood I just avoid tomatoes on sandwiches. I like pasta with tomato
> sauce so it isn't the flavor.
> Last weekend we had a cookout and one of my contributions was condiments
> and fixins' for burgers and there were tomatoes left over and I had to
> take them home. So I made my first real BLT with tomato slices included
> and I liked it.
You poor girl. When I was a kid my parents always had a small vegetable
garden and tomatoes were abundant in the summer. There are few things
tastier than tomatoes fresh from the garden. We had BLTs, toasted
tomato sandwiches. tomato and lettuce with mayo. We loved them. In my
world. a hamburger is not a hamburger without a slice of tomato.