I ate tomato slices on a sandwich
On 5/20/2012 9:04 AM, James Silverton wrote:
> On 5/20/2012 8:34 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> On 5/20/2012 2:56 AM, Cheryl wrote:
>>> What is slat? I've been thinking about trying some slices with salt and
>>> pepper. But I don't want to ruin a new found taste just yet if I don't
>>> like it.
>> Salt. Hang in there, tomato season is coming and if you can
>> keep that feeling, you're in for a treat.
> I saw a recipe for tomato salad recently using olive oil, small leaf
> basil and capers. That sounds good for a sandwich too.
Oh, that sounds good too. I have several tomato plants and I'll
be looking for recipes since none of them show signs of biting
the dust.