On Sun, 20 May 2012 12:46:05 +0100, Janet > wrote:
>In article >,
>> I watched tree trimmers take down two dead trees in my yard that were
>> precariously close to my house and my neighbors house. Tall poplars.
>> They did it just like that but I had to laugh when one of the ground
>> crew was pulling so hard to get the tree to come his way that he
>> slipped. It was successful though. The guy in the tree doing the
>> cutting of limbs and the very top part did it barefoot so he wouldn't
>> lose his grip on a tree without any more limbs.
> Snort. You can bet someone so careless with his own safety, didn't
>bother with public liability insurance to protect yours... in case the
>tree had hit your roof/car/neighbour.
> Janet.
Every year I fell several trees with my chainsaw, but they are at the
edge of my woods where I mow so I need to get rid of dead ones and
leaners before they can fall on me as I pass. Out in the middle of
nowhere there is no risk of the tree hitting anything, only me and I'm
experienced with a chainsaw, I have a big one, a lumberman's Jonsered.
But I would not even entertain the idea of felling a tree next to a
structure, and I'm not a good enough tree climber anymore, I'm too
old. I hire professionals to remove trees all the time but I've never
seen any use a rope to guide one down. I've seen them use a block and
tackle to safely lower a large limb but never a rope to guide an
entire tree... as soon as the tree starts to fall the tension on the
rope is gone leaving the tree flapping in the breeze to fall where it
will. Many trees are not balanced, there are more limbs on one side,
usually the side opposite where you want it to fall, then you need to
climb the tree to remove limbs to make it more balanced, cutting limbs
while in a tree is very dangerous business. No one should be felling
trees without lots of proper on the job training... I don't believe
anyone should be permitted to buy/have a chainsaw without a permit.
People get killed all the time by idiots with chain saws, and many
million$ in property damage. Did ya know a ten year old can buy a
chainsaw. I got my training near here when I was 15 years old, I
spent the entire summer helping clear land for a logging company, a
large motor lodge was to be built and we were taking out the good
lumber hardwoods before the bulldozers arrived... that was a laborious
summer, they started me out with a double bitted axe, that's really
the best way to learn how a tree will react to being cut, gives one
time to notice how a tree responds, like stroking a woman... a chain
saw cuts too fast to alter course, like a two minute screw.