German potato salad, was Potates in bacon fat
On May 22, 9:04*am, "l, not -l" > wrote:
> On 21-May-2012, George M. Middius > wrote:
> > I do like "German style" potato salad (vinegar dressing and bacon
> > bits).
> During 1993-1994 we hosted an exchange student from Germany. *After being
> here a few weeks, my (then) wife thought a dinner of familiar food might be
> a good idea for one living so far from home. *Among the items prepared and
> served at that dinner was German potato salad; after sampling, Anna asked
> "what is this". *When told it was "German potato salad" she broke into
> hearty, sustained laughter. *Once composed, she informed us that she had
> never had or seen such a dish; sadly, such was true of nearly everything
> served at that meal that was supposed to be a touch of home.
German cooking is pretty regional -- I remember finding a Bavarian
restaurant in Berlin, to my amusement. Lacking heat and vinegar, My
grandma's potato salad was indistinguishable from James Beard's:
sliced potatoes in oil-heavy vinaigrette, with chopped celery and
onion for contrast and flavor. And there are some complete non
sequiturs: German chocolate cake was named after Mr. German, who sold
baking chocolate. Nothing to do with Deutschland at all.