On May 25, 10:13*pm, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> On May 25, 4:25*pm, Pennyaline >
> wrote:
> On 5/25/2012 1:50 PM, somebody wrote:
> > > Is there nothing we can do today, that we used to do as kids growing
> > > up?
> > You can do whatever you want within the law. Drink out of the hose if
> > you want. Nobody is stopping you. They just have to put those warnings
> > on, is all.
> * * "Somebody" is one of the biggest complainers I've ever known. *It
> never ends. *I'd like to take that hose and shove it into his mouth
> and tape it closed, then turn it on full blast till the rubber cannon
> blows enough water into his system to balloon him up triple normal
> size and he explodes with such force that his body is essentially
> turned into a grenade causing the death and destruction of his
> neighbors and their property. *Just to teach him a lesson, not to kill
> him or anything. *This Somebody guy (believe me, I know), he never
> stops complaining. *Tomorrow he'll complain that he drank out of the
> hose and it tasted bad. *He's always got something to gripe about, but
> I'd like to give him something new and improved to up his complaint
> quotient. *The guy should be thankful he's got a lawn. *Not really, a
> wall is just a horizontal wall. *But I enjoy listening to Somebody
> complain. *In fact I like hearing it from everyone, even myself.
> TJ
Too bad NC voted down *** marriage.