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On Sun, 27 May 2012 18:57:58 -0700 (PDT), Tommy Joe
> wrote:

>On May 27, 9:16*pm, George M. Middius > wrote:
>> Which warfighters are in the vanguard of EVERY military operation?
>> Army? Navy? Air Force? Marines? You tell us.

> Vanguard? You mean the first wave? The first to die? But that
>doesn't mean they lose more men to death than the army. I know plenty
>of guys who were in the marines who are nothing special on a physical
>level. Big deal, boot camp is the same with the army - pushups and
>chinups and running - big deal, you don't have to join a killing
>machine to do that. And it means nothing anyway. The armor plated
>american military cannot take down the pajama wearers any more than
>they could the rice growers of Vietnam. I don't give a crap about any
>of the service branches. I will admit that the semper fi brotherhood
>of the marines is strong even after they get out of the service, but
>that's because most who joined had little to live for and to them the
>marines were their first family. That's all fine with me, I just
>don't like when these people join the service for their own selfish
>reasons - not greedy, just selfish, which is ok - but then come back
>claiming they did it for us. If you choose to think they did it for
>you, that's your choice. I choose to believe they did it for
>themselves, which is fine, but I just don't want them coming back
>claiming they did it for me. That's no better than a bum standing
>next to your car when you come back to it after running errands and he
>says, "Don't worry man, your car is ok, I kept my eyes on it while you
>were gone", with his hand extended to get paid for something he never
>I know a few marines and I get along with them as individuals, but
>when they get together it's semper fi time, just like when the hell's
>angels get together it's hells angels time - same thing.

Same thing when every ethnic/racial group congregate, even in the
military, especially in the military. Blood is thicker than water,
always was, always will be.