"Joy of Cooking": Where are the recpies?!?
"Default User" > wrote in message
> "Paul M. Cook©®" wrote:
> > I'm just curious here. I have both JC and NJC. Am I the only one who
> > consistent bad results with their recipes and techniques? I mean I
> > myself an able cook, not a chef by any means, yet I always seem to have
> > make a JC recipe a couple of times and make changes to it to get it to
> > out right. I have so much better success with other cookbooks it seems.
> I generally have good success with the recipes from my 70's era one (my
> mom got me that when I moved to my own apartment).
> The only problem I have is that they seem to use a bit too much salt. I
> generally cut back on that.
I've found the same to be true with sugar. I can generally cut out 1/4 to
up to 1/2 and the recipe is none the worse for it. My old Betty Crocker
cookbook is typical of the pre-70s cookbooks and they always used mch more
fat too.
> Brian Rodenborn