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Crock pot question
On Wed, 30 May 2012 21:46:31 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 May 2012 20:28:16 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 29 May 2012 22:46:23 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 29 May 2012 14:13:18 -0700 (PDT), Kalmia
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> On May 29, 5:11 pm, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 29 May 2012 10:09:28 -0700 (PDT), Kalmia
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Why hot just make the crockpot meal on a day you're home, and freeze
>>>>>>>>> in small portions the results? Then, on a workday, you can pull a
>>>>>>>>> frozen portion that morning and let thaw in the fridge.
>>>>>>>> On a day one is home why would they use a crockpot? I despise the
>>>>>>>> results from a crockpot, canned is better. But on days I'm home I
>>>>>>>> cook conventially and prepare amounts large enough to freeze several
>>>>>>>> portions.
>>>>>>> Woe is me - I realized that after i hit send. But dared not another
>>>>>>> piggy back post.
>>>>>>> When I do a cooking marathon, I never use the crockpot, come to think
>>>>>>> of it.
>>>>>>> When are you not home? I thought you were one of those lucky retired
>>>>>>> dudes.
>>>>>> I never worked so hard before I retired, but I do what I want when I
>>>>>> want and as much or as little as I want, and most importantly no one
>>>>>> tells me. Actually I'm mostly always home but I don't have a kitchen
>>>>>> out on the back forty. During good weather I don't have much time to
>>>>>> cook, today was a very stormy day, even tornado warnings. I slow
>>>>>> cooked 3 pounds of kielbasa with two big cans of B&M baked beans. I
>>>>>> simmered the sausages (barely simmered) for two hours. Then drained,
>>>>>> added the beans and simmered (barely simmered) about 4 hours. Now I
>>>>>> needn't cook for three days.
>>>>>> That's one ominous sky:
>>>>>> And then the sky opened:
>>>>>> Then the sun... look carefully down that forest path:
>>>>>> I didn't see that girl until after I down loaded:
>>>>>> The tele from some 1,500' makes that path look short but it's 600'
>>>>>> long, takes me the better part of a day to do maintenence just inside
>>>>>> that path, and it's hot, humid, and unbelieveably buggy. My back
>>>>>> forty begins at the far end of that path, can spend a week there and
>>>>>> hardly make a dent.
>>>>> Lovely! We finally had a thunderstorm here tonight after being
>>>>> threatened by such for days.
>>>> Didn't someone say that Beryl couldn't affect the weather in NY, well
>>>> very often storms that hit in the south push right up the Hudson river
>>>> valley, and bring the briney smell of the sea too.
>>> Oh, you remind me. Didn't I just hear something about hot weather
>>> down the coast? I hope THAT doesn't come up here. BTW, Sheldon,
>>> I just saw my first deer since I moved. It was in front of the
>>> house. I thought it looked confused/scared. :-( I hoped it
>>> would go dine in my back yard, but I don't think it did.
>> How far from the road? During daylight deer are very cautious when
>> approaching roadways. But in darkness they don't seem to notice
>> roadways and they'll walk right down the center amd even frollic on
>> the road. If you toss a couple slices of cheap white bread into your
>> yard at about the time deer pass through they will find it, deer can
>> smell bread for hundreds of feet. Then they will come looking for
>> their snack at the same time most every day. Eventually you'll notice
>> deer peering into your window as if saying where's my bread. They are
>> very patient, some will wait about an hour for one slice of bread:
>> Throw a little cracked corn and they will come:
>> You need to keep a camera nearby.
>Thanks for the tip. This was slightly before dusk. It was on the
>edge of the pavement, no traffic--although I don't know whether a
>vehicle was there right before I saw... either it was a doe or it
>was young. No spots though.
>I have found one camera, the old one, and will get the battery
>charging. The new one is again buried. (I put it somewhere
>"safe" when I had people around, and then the safe place was
>covered with things.) Actually, just today, I was eying my
>favorite part of the yard and thinking I still need to post pics
>for you. (But it is NOTHING compared to your lovely expanse.)
Take lots of "before" pictures, one day soon you'll be very sorry you
didn't. My yard was unkempt when I first moved here. Do your
landscaping first, that takes time to grow... you'll have plenty of
time for indoor improvements that can be done at any time the weather
doesn't permit outdoor work.