Thread: Foods to Avoid?
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Default Foods to Avoid?

are you suggesting we eat nothing? or meat only? or everything? by taking a
stance in refusing animal products, we're doing better than the person to
eat the fish AND the rice (to use your example). i don't know what the
problem is. well maybe i do... too many preaching vegans, it sounds like. i
understand that. it ****es me off just as much, but this isn't quite the
forum for that. if you have something to contribute, go for it. but it seems
to me all you're doing is being a dickhead.

> ====================
> But like most vegans, you don't want to know about the death and suffering
> behind the foods you want to eat, right? Why do you assume that foods

> micro-bits of animals in them are somehow automatically less cruel than

> food without any bits in it? I'd say that the bed of rice you have
> underneath your fish has caused more overall death and suffering than the
> fish on top does. But then, that's the typical veg*n ploy, focus only on
> the foods that include meat, and ignore the blood dripping from the

> >
> > Thanks again.
> > Robert
