Another NBS question - seasoning
I was a little confused on the instructions to season
my Charbroil Silver (NBS). It says not to let any coals
touch the edges. Yet when you pour them on the grate
some always fall through. I tried using foil on the grate
to aleviate this but it seemed to inhibit the fire of the
coals and the smoker never got hot enough (even the holes
in the foil and plenty of coals.)
When I cleaned her up the other day I notice some of the paint
coming of on the bottom where the ashes were. I assume that
this area did not season correctly due to the ashes toucing,
as the instructions had warned.
Am I over thinking this or is there something I should know?
I plan to go get some of that new Pam that is made for
seasoning/grills (higher temp I guess)