Thread: Foods to Avoid?
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rick etter
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Default Foods to Avoid?

"Robert" > wrote in message
> "rick etter" > wrote in
> >
> > "hamilton" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >> you're right. you're not doing anything by not eating meat. BUT. you

> > aren't
> >> contributing. that's my proof.

> > =====================
> > Doesn't work. Any number of other things you use use the by-products
> > of those animals. Besides, why only the concern for animals that
> > others are eating, and no concern for the animals that you kill and
> > leave to rot? You are contributing to massive, brutal, inhumane death
> > and suffering of animals for your veggies. You *could* reduce those
> > numbers by selecting the right kinds of meat, but since you have that
> > simple rule/ simple mind thing down so pat I guess you religion has
> > taken over.
> >
> >
> > i'm not eating meat. the meat industry isn't
> >> working for me. very simple. i'm not changing the world. i'm not
> >> doing

> > much
> >> of anything. but maybe one less animal a year is killed because of
> >> me.

> > ====================
> > That's the point idiot. You're probably killing even *more* animals
> > than if you just ate the right kinds of meat. Plus, you've never
> > proven this delusion, again.
> >

> Please explain this to me. You mentioned this earlier. I am honestly
> curious as to what this statement means. How am I killing *more* animals

> eating beans, avacodos, onions, peppers, fruits, etc.... Please explain.
> I'm not looking for an argument, just curious about your statement.

Production methods of crops. All are machine intensive, relying on the
petro-chemical industry in all phases of that production.
there is no way you can deny that. All these crops require large tracts of
land. Plowing, seeding, spraying, and harvesting.
These fields become ideal breeding grounds for a number of animals, allowing
their populations to explode. Then you take all the easy food and cover
that provided for this excess breeding. The animals that don't get killed
in the machinery start dying from starvation and predation. Hardly an easy,
humane way to die.
Replacing some of these foods with the right meats can lower your overall
footprints on animal death and suffering, and environmental damage.

Here are some sites, with info on specific areas and
pesticides. Animals are dying...

To give you an idea of the sheer number of animals in a field,
here's some sites about *just* mice and voles. Note that there
can be 100s to 1000s in each acre, not the whole field.

Since your non-animal clothing isn't cruelty-free either,
here's a couple to cover some problems with cotton.

To cover your selfish pleasure of using usenet, here's are a couple
dealing with power and communications.