Junk Food
> I don't understand the popularity of canned ice tea. Sure it's
> convenient if you are out somewhere, but if the stuff is being consumed
> at home I would think it would be *much cheaper to make it at home and
> keep it in a pitcher in the fridge. Flavour and sweeten as desired.
> Personally, I can't stand the canned stuff.
Yeah, I have had a refrigerated tea as a regional brand in a gallon
milk jug. And it was very good even if it didn't meet my standard of
zero-preservatives and 3% fruit juice.
The trick is to offer refrigerated tea in 16 ounce milk cartons at
convenience stores and then everyone will know from the packaging that
it requires refrigeration.
Also, soda can or soda bottle machines are fundamentally refrigerated.
Also, there is refrigerated de-caf coffee and even with a little milk.