Christine Dabney Needs Our Help
On Jun 7, 3:43*pm, notbob > wrote:
> On 2012-06-07, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> > the account will be closed, but still folks have to buy their check
> > books and pay the bank a fee per check used.
> Sounds like yer bank sucks.
> My local bank imposes no fees for my senior acct. *For paper checks,
> zero balance, MOs, xfers, checks issued, online service, jar of loose
> change, coffee, lollipops, etc ....pretty much anything. *I guess they
> sock it to the youngsters.
> nb
> --
> vi --the heart of evil!
> Support labeling GMOs
> <>
Counting change - both my banks have a machine just hanging out there
in the general lobby - dump your coins in, take the accounting slip of
paper to a bank clerk, and get cash or make a deposit. No charge.