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Steve Slatcher
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Default Newbie wine question: Flavors

On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 05:15:08 GMT, "Vincent" >

>As I read descriptions of wines, many flavors are mentioned. Oak is one I
>undestand can come from the barrels in which the wine is aged. But what
>about other things? Do they add these "flavors" to the batch when making the
>wine, or is this just the wine taster's imagination? Examples: Blackberry,
>chocolate, tobacco, leather. Thanks in advance.

The straighforward answer is "no, they do not add these flavours".

However, various other things are occaisionally added to improve the
flavour. You mentioned oak - sometimes the oak flavour comes from
added oak chips, not the barrel. Tartaric acid is routinely added in
some parts of the world to raise acid levels. Likewise in some areas
sugar is added to keep up alcohol levels. Or grape juice can be added
just before bottling.

The more exostic flavours discussed by tasters are not added - or at
least should not be added.

Steve Slatcher