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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Classico Garden Vegetable spaghetti sauce

On Thu, 14 Jun 2012 09:09:24 -0700 (PDT), somebody
> wrote:

>Bought a jar of "Limited Selection Classico Seasonal Selection, Garden
>Vegetable" a few weeks back. And it was quite good. Much better than
>the 99 cent Hunts I sometimes buy that is basically HFCS with a dash
>of tomato added-- and tastes like it... Anyway, I looked for the
>Classico in my Kroger and not there. Then I forced myself to go to
>Walmart Marketplace and not there. I prefer to go to the neighborhood
>Kroger since it's just a mile away and I can ride my bike. Broke down
>and drove to Target again and they still had the Seasonal Garden
>Vegetable, so I bought about 8. (I sorta became obsessed.)
>Anyone else try the Classico Seasonal Garden Vegetable?

I just buy Schnuck's canned pasta sauce. I think it's $0.89 a can. I
just use it as a base for my own concoction of 1/2 a ground beef
patty, black pepper, garlic powder, a very few red pepper flakes, lots
of oregano, then sliced fresh mushrooms, a chopped roma tomato with a
tiny bit of brown sugar and lots of dried basil, and a dash of red
wine all cooked together and then dumped in a microwave bowl with 1/3
cup of sauce and nuked for 5 mins on power level 5 (is my recipe!)


John Kuthe...