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Jim Elbrecht Jim Elbrecht is offline
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Default Simple and Flavored Syrups - Observations

"Steve Freides" > wrote:

>Just a few observations based on my making syrups he
>It's easiest in a microwave and the results are good. We have 1200 W
>microwave that generally cooks everything much faster than package
>directions call for, and my procedure is: 1-1/4 cups water and 1-1/4
>cups sugar in a 2-cup Pyrex measuring cup. Microwave for 1 min, stir,
>microwave for another minute, stir again, then another :30 to finish.
>I've been experimenting with "healthy" sugars.

Have you looked into Panela? Just wondering if it is much
different nutritionally than other sugars. It is unrefined, so
it is dark-- but it reminds me of maple sugar in its level of

I'm using it for some ginger beer experiments & like both the color
and flavor.
