What I learned from Jeff Smith
"Glenn Jacobs" > wrote in message
.. .
> To get the Jeff Smith Talk on a little more positive tack, thing that I
> learned from him.
> 1) I learned technique, like how to slightly crush a clove of garlic so
> that it peals easier.
> 2) And how to guide a knife with the knuckles when slicing, to prevent
> bits of finger tips from joining the evening meal.
> 3) Marsala sauce, from "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks With Wine" which I still
> make from time to time.
> --
> JakeInHartsel
> Food, The Art Form that You Can Eat
My son and I would watch the show together and drool over some of his
I too learned a lot from him but I enjoy the memory of the time spent with
my son the most.