Thread: tax prep
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default tax prep

On 6/15/2012 10:32 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "Nancy Young"<replyto@inemail> wrote in message
>> A lot of people are just plain intimidated. It rubs me the wrong way
>> to pay to pay my taxes, and I can fill out a form. Still, between the
>> two of us, it's hard to figure out what the bleep the state is asking.
>> Federal's easier because I don't have a complicated financial life.
>> A little complicated, but not too.
>> But a lot of people, they look at that form and it's a no go. I
>> don't think they're stupid, they just think it's harder than it is,
>> and the ads that pop up every year don't help. Personally, I'd be
>> inclined to look at last year's form and use it as a guide where to
>> put what numbers, but that's me.
>> nancy

> Intimidation is a big factor.
> I use Turbo Tax and have for years. I work in another state so I have two
> state forms to do. TT makes it faster and easier even though I have to pay
> for it. The Mass tax is more complex than the Federal and that gives some
> people here at work the willies. I've been doing taxes for a few people
> every year. These are people that have good intelligence, do a great job,
> are otherwise self sufficient, but get lost when it comes to things like tax
> forms.
> To change the subject a little, how about people that won't work overtime
> because they pay too much in taxes so it is not worth it. I have to try to
> explain that situation to them also. Again, mostly lower wage earners that
> get big refunds in their situation.

I think that in general a lot of people simply don't want to think about
money and finances. To add to taxes try to get someone to think about
why a 6 year car loan is such a bad idea or how much more it costs to
have say a 25 or 30 year mortgage instead of a shorter term or how
expensive it is to carry a balance on a credit card.