OT for cooking, but OT for newsgroups/usenet
You ever notice OT could mean "off topic" or "on topic"?
Anyway, my question is relevant to what the old-timers call "usenet".
My isp stopped carrying newsgroups few years ago and I had to switch
to Google Groups. Not a fan, but it's the only thing I can use unless
I pay money and since I'm kinda poor headed towards even poorer I'd
rather not pay as long as free is available.
Do people here use newsgroup readers? Are there any free newsgroup
servers left? All I've ever found is ones I have to pay for. I'm
sure they are better than Google Groups and actually have features
like a "killfile" etc but GG is good enough. Just wondered if I was
missing something and there are any free news group servers. Used to
use Forte' agent but that was many posts ago.