Thread: Storing bread
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Ulrike Westphal
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Default Storing bread

"Dusty" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hello Ulrike!
> I was hoping that some of our European readers would chime in. It's
> certainly always good to hear from you...
> "Ulrike Westphal" > wrote in message
> ...
> ...
> > Dusty,
> > why not using a bread-box?? I wrap my sourdough bread into a linen

> > and then into the "Tupperware" bread-box.
> > Here in Europe there are two sizes available.

> More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that something like that will
> become necessary. Somehow I must find the room, always a problem in an

> <big sigh!>
> I know that I must protect the bread from drying out, as that seems to be
> the most serious impediment to long shelf-life in my area (albeit as I
> travel that will surely change). Can you describe your "linen towel" a

> more? In particular; size, shape? Then do you wrap it around the bread

> just drape it? What purpose does it serve inside a plastic box? Soak up
> condensation?
> > I previous times the people baked only once a week, but the last bread

> often
> > was too hard to bite. They often use bread-boxes from wood or pottery.

> Yes. I'm sure this was the case. I had failed to consider that the last
> few days may well have been a challenge to eat. As Samartha's graph

> laid bare, it would seem that either freezing or storage at room-temp

> be the best solutions. Obviously the RT storage is most it's
> just the matter of finding some convenient storage space...
> > you can use Tupperware if you don't want to freeze your Bread.

> That will almost certainly be my option. Freezing is too expensive for an
> RV (in terms of both space and energy), and one can't grab the loaf for a
> quick slice. So ready-to-go at RT would seem to be the way to fly. Looks
> like I'll hafta dig up my local Tupperware dealer and see what wares they
> might have...
> Good to hear from you again, Ulrike.
> Dusty
> Remove STORE to reply
> > Ulrike from Germany
> >

I don't know what the linen towel does exactly, I only know that it works.
Maybe brown paper-bags work als well, but the North of Germay is not a good
area to get brown paper-bags.
It's an ordinary linen dish towel, 51 cm x 75 cm. I wrap my loaf into the
