On 20/06/2012 12:58 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 06:33:13 +1000, Krypsis wrote:
>> Google Groups may eventually be the only way to access newsgroups.
> That would be theoretically impossible since the bulk of Google groups
> would not exist if it weren't for those same servers that are
> providing us access from our local news clients. Without those
> servers, it would NOT be Usenet. And without Usenet, the majority of
> existing users will not use the Google interface.
> Another clueless idiot.
> -sw
You apparently, are clueless as Google provides Usenet servers as well.
IIRC, they also host what used to be known as the Usenet archives. They
took over Deja News...
Check this out
Kinds of groups hosted by Google
Google provides two distinct kinds of groups: traditional Usenet groups,
and non-Usenet groups that are more similar to mailing lists. The latter
type is accessible only by web or by e-mail, not by NNTP. The Google
Groups user interface and help messages do not use a distinct name for
mailing-list style groups, referring to both styles of group as "Google
Google recognizes the X-No-Archive header and displays messages
containing it for only seven days, after which the article becomes no
longer available to the public. Google also recognizes the "-- " Usenet
signature delimiter, and removes the significant space at the end (thus,
proper Usenet signatures can't be added to articles posted via Google
The above cite from;