On 6/23/2012 2:23 PM, Gary wrote:
> George Leppla wrote:
>> On 6/23/2012 12:39 PM, Gary wrote:
>>> Interesting article. I'm surprised that chopsticks are still popular since
>>> the invention of forks and spoons. Normal people use them now.
>> <snip>
>>> We have evolved way past that then. Eating with a pair of sticks now is only
>>> traditional or
>>> cool kid crap.
>> I don't see anything wrong with eating Asian food with chopsticks. It
>> is traditional and helps make a meal "different" than eating the usual
>> meatloaf.
> Your meatloaf meal would be "different" too if you used chopsticks but you
> don't. 
>> Speaking of which, I am making Spring Rolls for dinner tonight... Becca
>> makes the sauce and we both eat with our fingers!
> Spring rolls. Oh man! Now you're talking my kind of meal.
> Many recipes for the ingredients there. What do use for the filling?
Tonight it is chicken, lettuce, cucumber and rice noodles.
George L