On Mon, 25 Jun 2012 07:28:04 -0400, Jim Elbrecht >
> sf > wrote:
> -snip-
> >I doing know what Delicious is, but Silk is just coconut flavored soy
> >milk, so there's no problem figuring out what he means by coconut
> >milk. He's talking about the real thing in a can.
> And yet they don't list soy on their label--
> http://www.silkpurecoconut.com/
By golly they don't. In any case, my husband bought it once so I know
what it looks and cooks like. It cooks as if it's made of plastic and
it doesn't have much coconut flavor; terrible stuff. The can is
better for my purposes and probably for Bob's too.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.