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Eric[_12_] Eric[_12_] is offline
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Default Lou's smoker lives on.

max > wrote in news:betatron-5C3CE6.05104024062012@

> Our good friend Lou, so recently and lamentably departed, had a Giant
> Meat Smoker, and while taking care of of the estate, his brother Sticks
> thought I might like to have it. The only possible answer was, of
> course, "yes, thank you!"
> So Sticks came by with this monster.

> I'm not sure what it weighs, but I could not move it by myself.
> Fortunately, Sticks is about 7' tall and stuck around to help. It is
> very heavy duty, not lightweight. It is in excellent condition and it
> had clearly been put through it's paces by Lou. I never got around to
> measuring it but this is what it looks like opened up:
> <>.
> I will eschew posting the completist-pron pictures of the entire
> process, but suffice it to say that I immediately put this baby to use.
> I smoked a 3.5# chuck roast from the Blue Goose (read: good meat) in St
> Charles and shared it with the undeserving greedy greedy pigs at worsk.
> This <> is the first piece of meat
> I've ever low and slowed. It was

> delicious! I brought the au jus with (sic) and we used it for dipping
> sauce.
> I liked Lou and I had several occasions to meet him. I miss him and I
> will think of him every time I look at that big steel contraption. I
> figure, in this context, the best way I can honor him is to make lots
> and lots of delicious hot smoky meat and share it. I made some nice
> Costco ribs a couple days ago. Ate half, gave half to the next door
> neighbor. Mo Shareing.
> To that end, I will continue to practice this strange new craft, and at
> some point when I feel competent enough, I will share delicious smoky
> meats from Lou's smoker at a .maxpad party.


Order yourself a copy of Low & Slow by our own Gary Wiviott

I used his expertise when I first started smoking meats, and I highly
recommend his book. He makes it relatively simple.

Coming to you from the beautiful Chicago suburbs