Steakums-so far so good.
z z wrote:
> I found a crockpot recipe. Opened the box today and was not repelled
> by the frozen sheets-they actually look like an ironed sheet of raw
> hamburger frozen. Hope its good.
> There are many recipes out there, from using the sheets as a low carb
> sub for lasagne noodles to one enterprising cook who bakes or frys the
> sheets then rolls up stuffing inside, fills a pan with the rolls,
> covers with gravy, and bakes.
> In the crock it says a splash of olive oil, a box of steakums, a red
> or green pepper and a sweet onion chopped up, garlic salt or powder (i
> didnt have so i used minced garlic) and last a dash of worcestershire
> sauce or steak sauce. Cook on low 3-4hrs and then stir to break up. (I
> broke my frozen steakums into strips/fourths before starting.)
> I started late so I am doing high for 2hrs. Then spread mayo on your
> hard roll add a slice of provolone and a large glop of the
> steakums/pepper/onion mixture on top to melt the cheese. I dont have
> any provolone so it will be a sharp white cheddar instead-or maybe my
> pepper cheese havent decided.
> The air is already smelling delicious-I have high hopes this will be
> good.
I grew up in Philly and ate a lot of cheesesteaks. They carry steakums
in my local grocery store but I prefer a better grade of meat - well, I
prefer actual meat to a composite product. When I want to make my own
cheesesteak, I buy rare roast beef at the deli counter and use that
instead - it's not the same thing but it's close and it's better, IMHO.
Best would be some sort of very thinly sliced steak.