Steakums-so far so good.
On 6/25/2012 1:04 PM, Steve Freides wrote:
> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
>> In >, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>> Why would you even say that? It is excess carbs that lead to high
>>> cholesterol. That and genetics. I also don't think Steak Ums are
>>> overly fatty but I'm not sure because I've never eaten one.
>> there we have the typical bove pronouncement unbacked by any actual
>> knowledge.
> I can't comment on typical, but her statement is sound science, albeit
> recent science that disagrees with the conventional wisdom of the last
> 50 years or so.
It's correct that high carbohydrate intake and genetics contribute to
elevated cholesterol levels, but she completely dismisses the idea that
fat intake is also contributory. The new knowledge has modified the old,
not erased it.