What I learned from Jeff Smith
"Glenn Jacobs" <, Wayne Boatwright & "The Hacketts wrote:
<snipping lots of conversation...>
Oh, and I adore the Barley with Mushrooms
: >> Casserole!
: >
: > I've learned technique and have made many of his recipes.
Two of my
: > favorites are (of all things) his mother's recipe for Spanish
: > and his recipe for French Bread. Watching him the first time
: > the French Bread made me realize the importance of weighing
the flour
: > over measuring.
: >
: > Cyndi, in which of his books is the Barley with Mushrooms
: > I don't believe I have it. Could you send or post it? Would
: > greatly appreciated!
: >
: > Thanks...
: > Wayne
: Yes, and also the French Bread Recipe. Also I would like to
know why it is
: important to wigh it. When i make French Bread or most breads,
I work
: flower into the dough until it has the right consistancy. And
: because i live where it is very dry and at high altitude I work
a little
: water into the dough as i knead it. I generally use "Beard on
Bread" as my
: guied for making bread.
: --
: JakeInHartsel
: Food, The Art Form that You Can Eat
: ========
Barley and Mushroom Casserole
(From The Frugal Gourmet "On our Immigrant Ancestors" page 446)
6 TBSP butter
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 yellow onions, minced
1 # mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 c pearl barley
1/2 TBSP dried basil
3 c chicken stock
Salt & freshly ground pepper
1/4 c chopped parsley
Preheat oven to 375 F.
Melt the butter in a 2 qt. stove-top covered casserole. Add the
garlic and onion and sauté over moderately low heat until onion
is translucent, about 5 minutes.
Add the mushrooms and sauté over moderate heat until mushrooms
are golden, about 5 minutes.
Add the barley and basil to the mushroom mixture, and toss
lightly, then pour in the chicken stock and season to taste with
salt and pepper.
Slowly bring the casserole to boil, then remove it from the
heat. Cover the casserole and bake in the oven until the barley
is tender, about 45-50 minutes.
Before serving, add the chopped parsley and toss gently. Serve
piping hot. Serves 6-8