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Charlotte L. Blackmer[_3_] Charlotte L. Blackmer[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 142
Default Lou's smoker lives on.

In article >,
RonT > wrote:
>"Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Mon, 25 Jun 2012 11:50:18 -0500, "RonT" > wrote:
>>>"max" > wrote in message
>>>> Our good friend Lou, so recently and lamentably departed, had a Giant
>>>> Meat Smoker, and while taking care of of the estate, his brother Sticks
>>>> thought I might like to have it. The only possible answer was, of
>>>> course, "yes, thank you!"
>>>> So Sticks came by with this monster.<>
>>>> I'm not sure what it weighs, but I could not move it by myself.
>>>> Fortunately, Sticks is about 7' tall and stuck around to help. It is
>>>> very heavy duty, not lightweight. It is in excellent condition and it
>>>> had clearly been put through it's paces by Lou. I never got around to
>>>> measuring it but this is what it looks like opened up:
>>>> <>.
>>>> I will eschew posting the completist-pron pictures of the entire
>>>> process, but suffice it to say that I immediately put this baby to use.
>>>> I smoked a 3.5# chuck roast from the Blue Goose (read: good meat) in St
>>>> Charles and shared it with the undeserving greedy greedy pigs at worsk.
>>>> This <> is the first piece of meat
>>>> I've ever low and slowed. It was <>
>>>> delicious! I brought the au jus with (sic) and we used it for dipping
>>>> sauce.
>>>> I liked Lou and I had several occasions to meet him. I miss him and I
>>>> will think of him every time I look at that big steel contraption. I
>>>> figure, in this context, the best way I can honor him is to make lots
>>>> and lots of delicious hot smoky meat and share it. I made some nice
>>>> Costco ribs a couple days ago. Ate half, gave half to the next door
>>>> neighbor. Mo Shareing.


>>>> To that end, I will continue to practice this strange new craft, and at
>>>> some point when I feel competent enough, I will share delicious smoky
>>>> meats from Lou's smoker at a .maxpad party.

That will be a great legacy.

>>>You can produce some prime meat with that.
>>>I warn you though, max, it can be, and usually is, very addicting. When I
>>>started learning how to smoke meats and produce barbecue down here, my
>>>initial reaction was, "you gotta be shittin' me". People were
>>>so.....rabid..about it.
>>>It didn't take long that I caught the bug.
>>>I did two briskets Saturday, and they came out so tender and flavorful
>>>my guests and I kinda over ate.

>> There ya go... I just knew there was some reason all yoose losers who
>> have never posted to rfc before all had a relationship with Lou...
>> buncha friggin' druggies. Wait long enough and the insincere
>> douchebags show their true colors LOL-LOL

>Well, first of all, suck my cock.
>I didn't realize this had been cross posted or I never would have bothered.
>I've been down here in the hills of Tennessee for 8 ****ing years learning
>how to make barbecue, and all this time I didn't realize that I could have
>stayed in Chicago and somebody would have showed me how in 10 minutes.

Sheldon's nowhere near Chicago. I don't think he's gone very far from his
keyboard at home in Albany, NY, for years.

Of course, he's one of those annoying gits/Internet Tough Guys who
*always* has to "know more" than you do. Or in this case, where he can't
fake it even well enough to fool himself, start with the ad hom attacks.

>Go over to 4chan or reddit and post to kenji. You two would get along fine.
>****ing gipestain.

I'd be amused to see what /b/ might do with Sheldon.

I thought of Lou and the smoker when I went to a new local Q joint. The
brisket was served with sauce on the side and displayed a very nice smoke
ring. Happy smokin', everybody! *raises glass to Lou*

ObFood: peach crisp with my "master crisp topping" recipe (addition:
ginger). I scored ginger ice cream at Bi-Rite Market on my recent trip to
San Francisco, so served it, vanilla, and cardamom with it. Deelish.
