On 2012-06-28, notbob > wrote:
> hot dog salad. With a good beef tubesteak, both great, but as a
> non-native of either city, the Chi-dog gets my vote.
Found a great website for the Chi-dog:
The NY or Coney Island (Nathan's) or "dirty water" hotdogs are jes a
bun n' mustard. Not something I would normally seek out. The one
thing I DO love about NY is, they're big on grilling their tubesteaks.
Nothing like walking past a storefront window and stopping to watch
some frycook working 3-4 rows of various dogs/brats/whitehots and
watching him roll 'em back and forth with infinite care and panache,
not unlike a symphony conductor, to get 'em blistering hot and evenly
charred on all sides. A noble skill! I can't even imagine a "dirty
water" dog when you can get 'em hot off the griddle, like that.
Boston and upstate NY are partial to this style, too. A real treat on
a cold Winter day.
I'm sure shelly can shed more light on the finer points of NY dogs.
vi --the heart of evil!
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