On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 12:20:45 -0400, Gary > wrote:
> Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >
> > sf wrote:
> > >"Jean B." wrote:
> > >
> > >> And my daughter prefers chopsticks for long
> > >> noodles of any sort.
> > >
> > >I have the utmost respect for her if she knows how to twirl noodles
> > >with chopsticks because apparently not many do it.
> >
> > Only a billion Chinese. duh
> Some animals have adapted to using sticks in order to collect and eat
> insects. Scientists are amazed at their intelligence. I can just imagine all
> those scientists doing backflips of joy to discover some animal that
> progressed to using a fork and spoon.
> Meanwhile, "a billion Chinese" (and Japanese) still eat with sticks. 
> G.
> That said.... I watched an "Iron Chef" show where Morimoto used chopsticks
> to prepare his meals. I was amazed at his proficiency.
He has reading comprehension problems. "Twirl" was the operative
word.... the concept is the same as twirling noodles around a fork.
I've seen many, many people use chopsticks IN and out of China - but
I've only seen two who twirled.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.