Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2012 18:26:08 +0000 (UTC), Doug Freyburger wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> tert in seattle wrote:
>>>> this is what you're looking for
>>>> http://www.viennabeef.com/culture/chicagostyle.asp
>>> Since when does relish come in individual dice like that?
>> Never. The color of the actual stuff is worse as well. I call it
>> kyptonite. Horrible stuff. No idea why the natives like it.
> It's redundant with the pickle anyway. And relish should not be
> sweet. A good, salt brine cured and fermented pickle spear is all
> that's needed.
> Notice their pickle spear must be poking through the bottom of the bun
> and imbedded into the table at the angle that is indicated. The whole
> dog is fake. I prefer my beef dogs with LTPOM. Just like a long thin
> hamburger.
> -sw
I don't like hot dogs
my standard order at Demon Dogs (RIP) was a polish with hot peppers &
mustard only