Thread: Fresh Haircut
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Fresh Haircut

On 2012-06-30, Gary > wrote:

> LMAO! And just how many people do you know that rent out space in their
> front yards so neighbors can grow vegetables? LOL!

You can pick yer ass up, now.

I don't know what cave you live in, but it's been done --is being
done. If I had that sorta acreage, I'd consider it. I'd even
consider doing it jes for food instead of money. Maybe a little $$
for taxes 'n mgmt.

I realize many folks are loners and don't really like others. If you
wanna sit behind 5 acres of un-natural green lawn --no doubt costing
hundreds of $$ to maintain-- with a shotgun across yer knee and vid
cams and motion detectors, jes to take a some photos of a couple ducks
trying to make it to the other side, be my guest. If it was mine, I'd
be raising me some good food and having lottsa cook-ins with like
minded folks. Hell, at least plant grapes and make some wine!


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