Fresh Haircut
On 30 Jun 2012 14:48:14 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>On 2012-06-30, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>> my land they'd ship me off to the loony bin.
>Yer point?
>> My kind of land use is what helps keep the planet clean.
>Live the fantasy.
>> Most of the comments I've read in
>> this thread are indicative of imbecile IQs and extreme avarice.
>Avarice? We're all jealous and covet yer lawn!? Puh-leeze. You
>couldn't move me East of Denver at gunpoint. Specially not fer a 5
>acre chrome hood ornament.
Two woids - Trailer Trash
I'm laughing because you stuffed a doublewide ass into a singlewide
trailer! LOL-LOL