At what time of day do you decide what's for supper?
On Jun 28, 4:46*pm, Kalmia > wrote:
> I'm going to turn over a new cooking leaf. *I'm sick of panicking at 4
> pm and then trying to thaw something, finding out I am lacking an
> ingredient, feeling rushed, and then resorting to going out.
> Today I decided what to make when I woke up, pulled the needed
> ingredients, thawed the meat -- things went smoothly and I had a more
> relaxed day. *I won't utter a clue on how many years ago I should have
> started this plan.
> Is this your routine or what?
I live alone. I work full time and when I get home from work I
usually don't want to cook. So I plan my weeks meals ahead of
time. Usually I buy fresh vegetables like green beans or broccoli on
a Saturday shopping day along with whatever meat I want to have.
Sunday is my cooking day. While the laundry is washing and drying I
cook off the grilling chicken breasts or a london broil.
I blanch off veggies like green beans, broccoli, or asparagus. I cut
up salad veggies and put them in a plastic tub. Sometimes I'll make
cauliflower puree and chill it down. I have several meals
available for quick heat up when I get home.
I also make green smoothies to take for lunch with a bit of the
protein I've cooked.
Lately I've been really into grilling chicken breasts. I buy those
humongous thick ones, slice them in half horizontally so they are off
equal thickness and marinate them with different concotions. They
take about 4 minutes on each side to grill and they are delicious.
They are great all week for salads for lunch, or dinner.