notbob wrote:
> On 2012-06-30, Gary > wrote:
> > LMAO! And just how many people do you know that rent out space in their
> > front yards so neighbors can grow vegetables? LOL! 
> You can pick yer ass up, now.
> I don't know what cave you live in, but it's been done --is being
> done. If I had that sorta acreage, I'd consider it. I'd even
> consider doing it jes for food instead of money. Maybe a little $$
> for taxes 'n mgmt.
You would "consider it" but you haven't done it,
Until you actually do that yourself, don't critisize others.
You don't have that acreage evidently but you DO have a front yard, right?
Have you rented it out to one or two of your neighbors to grow vegetables.
I don't think so.
Just because Sheldon has a large area, doesn't make him evil for not doing
Most everyone has nice looking yards. I have yet to drive through a
neighborhood and see someones front yard planted with corn or whatever.
You telling Sheldon he should do that is just liberal class envy. You're
just jealous of his large property.