Fresh Haircut
On 2012-07-01, Jim Elbrecht > wrote:
> Ya'but--- It *is* his waste--- If it were my land it would either
> be garden, orchard or fallow---- but it ain't. Until he asks me
> to mow it, or pay the taxes on it, he can do whatever he likes with
> his land and I'll consider it NOMFB.
Yer right, of course. I guess I jes don't get anal neat-nicks.
I personally love natural flora and fauna. I jes noticed a neighbor
"weeding" (for lack of a better term) around her property. It was
outside her fenceline, between her rustic rail fence and the dirt
road. She was digging up the natural cover that grows naturally in
this rather arid area and making it look jes like the bare hard-packed
dirt road running past her house. I was dumbfounded. Sure the
natural plants are what most folks would call scrub, low growing
sparse plants. No doubt they would look like weeds on a putting
green, but this is high mountain desert. Low growing natural cover.
Even some cacti. But, the thing was, they had flowers. Though small,
like the plant itself, they were lovely little yellow blossoms. Damn
sure looked a whole lot nicer than bare dirt. But, by gawd, they
gotta go!!
Sorry, but I jes don't get it.
vi --the heart of evil!
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