New Restaurant - Opinions Required!
Shawn Hirn > wrote:
> In article >,
> projekt > wrote:
>> Hi, I am just working on the idea of a new restaurant, which basically
>> offers an alternative cuisine, for instance Portuguese, Belgian,
>> Swedish...
>> As a customer, would this appeal to you? Also, what would you like to
>> see from a restaurant that most do not offer already?
>> I would be grateful for any feedback,
> Not enough information. Too vague. You need to be more specific. I know
> nothing about Portuguese and Belgian cuisine. I visited Sweden for once
> a few years ago on vacation and I enjoyed it. Swedish food might be
> appealing. Are you talking about an Ikea style cafe or something formal,
> or in between? When I consider eating at a new restaurant, I look at the
> place's menu, prices, and location as key factors in my decision.
Not enough India food, and you can always sell quality seafood at family