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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Who's In The Vietnamese Kitchen? Hispanics

Mark Thorazine wrote:
>At the Asian supermarket where I shop almost
>every day, the stockers seem to be about 100%
>Hispanic, while the checkers are about 50/50
>Hispanic and Asian. I find the Hispanic checkers
>tend to have a good command of English, while
>the Asians are more hit-and-miss. Perhaps the
>latter make up for it with Asian language skills
>or maybe they're cut some slack because they're
>somebody's cousin. Some of them don't seem to
>understand English at all.

Asians don't need language skills... if they needed language skills
they'd have a real alphabet instead of etch-a-sketch pictures. Asians
are good at math... all Asians need to know is how to count money...
who do you think invented the abacus? LOL