"pavane" > wrote in news:A_nIr.472779$Xo4.5635
> all Asians need to know is how to count money
Now now...everyone knows it's Greeks who are good at counting
money...been that way for four thousand years...ask anyone in the
Eastern Mediterranean around the time of Christ. Also Greek was
the common language (or koinč) of the region.
Speaking of which, you might want to start learning Chinese because
you'll need it to get a job in twenty years' time.
Other true stereotypes you might want to peruse:
1. Northern Europeans lack natural intelligence, hence the low
foreheads and prognathous miens.
2. Arabs are good at math. After all, they invented algebra (from
the arabic al-jibr, "reunion of broken parts" or in modern
language, "computation").
Chinese ideographic script is incredibly intuitive. Dyslexia is
much less of a problem in China.
Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected
from happening.
-- Barbara Tober