On 7/2/2012 11:16 AM, Mark Thorson wrote:
> Not really news, but certainly accurate.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/...fGW_story.html
> At the Asian supermarket where I shop almost
> every day, the stockers seem to be about 100%
> Hispanic, while the checkers are about 50/50
> Hispanic and Asian. I find the Hispanic checkers
> tend to have a good command of English, while
> the Asians are more hit-and-miss. Perhaps the
> latter make up for it with Asian language skills
> or maybe they're cut some slack because they're
> somebody's cousin. Some of them don't seem to
> understand English at all.
My son took me to his favorite Vietnamese hole-in-the-wall restaurant a
couple of years ago. I kept hearing little peep-peep noises. It was
quite a shock to see a chicken and her chicks walking past the open
doorway to the kitchen. I didn't find out if they were Hispanic chickens
or not though. If it were a Chinese restaurant, it would be cats walking
around in the kitchen...