On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 13:16:53 -0800, Mark Thorson >
> Not really news, but certainly accurate.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/...fGW_story.html
> At the Asian supermarket where I shop almost
> every day, the stockers seem to be about 100%
> Hispanic, while the checkers are about 50/50
> Hispanic and Asian. I find the Hispanic checkers
> tend to have a good command of English, while
> the Asians are more hit-and-miss. Perhaps the
> latter make up for it with Asian language skills
> or maybe they're cut some slack because they're
> somebody's cousin. Some of them don't seem to
> understand English at all.
<shrug> The current trend is for Hispanics to be grunt workers in the
food service industry and it's been that way for at least 10 years.
They'll be the owners and management in another decade or two. Years
ago it was Chinese and other Asians. I remember peeking into the
kitchens of seafood and Italian restaurants 30-40 years ago and
noticing that every worker from cook to busboy was Asian; now they're
Mexican. So what?
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.