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Sqwertz: Your latest photo in ABF
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sun, 01 Jul 2012 23:57:47 -0400, Cheryl wrote:
>> On 7/1/2012 11:46 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Sun, 1 Jul 2012 21:44:02 -0400, pavane wrote:
>>>> I (INcorrectly) identified your latest open can mystery as
>>>> a turkey embryo, but forte will not let my posts through
>>>> today. So this is to see whether I can post elsewhere.
>>>> (I assume the embryo was already cooked ...)
>>> It's not any sort of poultry. And I did see your posts. Since the
>>> challenge was also posted to "that other group" and answered correctly
>>> I might as well post the answer now.
>>> The "What is it"" was:
>>> And the answer is:
>> Not at all appealing to me and what is that goop in the can? Aspic? So
>> what did you end up cooking with it and how?
> I just tried one of them so far. They're soft enough to spread on
> crackers with some of my home made spicy dijon mustard.
> There is gelatin and some fat in the can. It's meant to be
> refrigerated and sliced, but I cleaned them off.
> -sw
Cool! I used to love pickled lamb's tongues, but I haven't seen
any for years.
Jean B.