Vegan coffee ice cream
Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> "Jean B." > wrote:
> -snip-
>> Mmmmm. Thus far, I have only found preground Vietnamese coffee.
> That's what I used this time. [I used espresso in the past- both are
> good.]
>> I need to remember to look in (Boston's) Chinatown if it ever
>> cools down enough to get there. I wonder whether some artificial
>> sweeteners could be used to decent effect (plural, because I think
>> one would need some synergism if going that route).
> I might play with some Splenda I have in the pantry. My dad is
> diabetic & it might be fun to make dairy-egg&sugar-free ice cream.
> What artificial sweetener do you use? Would a banana work?
> Jim
Heck, I also have a megaton of LC cookbooks here, so if you can't
find a starting point, I can provide one. BUT it would lack reviews.
Jean B.