On 7/2/2012 5:22 PM, Michel Boucher wrote:
> > wrote in news:A_nIr.472779$Xo4.5635
> @en-nntp-13.dc1.easynews.com:
>> all Asians need to know is how to count money
> Now now...everyone knows it's Greeks who are good at counting
> money...been that way for four thousand years...ask anyone in the
> Eastern Mediterranean around the time of Christ. Also Greek was
> the common language (or koinč) of the region.
> Speaking of which, you might want to start learning Chinese because
> you'll need it to get a job in twenty years' time.
> Other true stereotypes you might want to peruse:
> 1. Northern Europeans lack natural intelligence, hence the low
> foreheads and prognathous miens.
> 2. Arabs are good at math. After all, they invented algebra (from
> the arabic al-jibr, "reunion of broken parts" or in modern
> language, "computation").
> http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=algebra
> Chinese ideographic script is incredibly intuitive. Dyslexia is
> much less of a problem in China.
What about Japanese? This video blew my mind. I'm really bad at math
and due to that I don't get it. I see how it works, but not *how* it works.