History of the fork
sf wrote:
> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>> The motion I use to wrap long noodles onto the end of my chopsticks is
>> from the wrist similar to using a spoon to stir a bowl of soup.
> Okay, I didn't see them do it like that. Their motion if more like
> twirling a fork against the plate to wrap noodles around it.
Chortle. I've been told I use my chopsticks like a peasant. This
is an additional confirmation of that. ;^)
I hold one stick in my hand like a pen shifted half a finger to one side
then I hold the other stick like a pen shifted half a finger to the
other side. Very effective. Very brute force. Some stick packages
have an illustration like it. Once the muscle memory was established
very easy. Sweated bullets forcing the muscle memory training process.
But now that the muscle memory is in place it's easy.