Thread: 4th of July
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Default 4th of July

"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Yeff wrote:
>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2012 08:38:44 -0400, Somebody wrote:
>> > I rarely see anyone sit on a porch anymore.

>> Sitting on a porch/stoop isn't an activity. It's a state of mind.

> In the old days before AC, people often sat out on their front and back
> porches in the evening to escape the indoor heat. Since AC, back porches
> are often closed in to make sunrooms and the front porches remain vacant.
> G.

I didn't grow up with AC and can actually live without it. It didn't get
too hot in Erie PA, but it was very humid. We ran fans a lot but didn't
have AC... A lot of house near my have porches and almost always vacant.
An occasional smoker out there. The only person I see out on their porch
very much is the senile lady who lives across from me. She was out there
last night. In the dark, just sitting. She does that a fair amount. No
lights on, just sitting out there in the dark.

One of the reasons I bought this house was it had a porch, and a nice medium
size maple tree in front. There was a porch swing-- which I've always
wanted-- but the seller took it. (Guess it had sentimental value.) I
bought one but don't really use it much. But I like having one. Kids like

A lot of people have decks in the back yard, but don't really see a lot of
people on those either. People just don't go outside much anymore. I see a
few holdouts not from the i-generation who do yard work and gardening, but
not many. Mostly older people. Always makes me smile a bit to see them.