Thread: All Jammed Up!
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Melba's Jammin'
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Default All Jammed Up!

In article t>, Donna
Rose > wrote:

> In article >,
> says...
> > Where's the Peach Butter? The Peach Honey? Fuzzy Navel Jam? Peach
> > Chutney? I bought a half bushel of trucked-in Georgia peaches today;
> > they'll start to be ready in a couple days.

> Well heck, I ran outta time! We started Sunday morning at 7am and
> finished Sunday evening at 10pm - I figured all in all we had a pretty
> good day's production.

More than!! I salute you, Woman! Saint Pec is smiling on you.

> > { Exported from MasterCook Mac }
> >
> > Fuzzy Navel Jam 2
> >

> <recipe snipped and saved>
> Like I said, a ton of peaches left over - so this may be where some of
> them wind up. But peach honey? More info, please!

Check in at

Peach Honey and Pear Honey are southr'n things, I think -- at least
that's my recollection of where I learned about them. Some recipes have
you boil the peelings from the fruit to get the 'stuff' to work with.
That's always sounded gross to me so I use pureed fruit instead. While
for fruit butter I drain the fruit before milling, for the honeys I
don't. And I use equal parts of fruit puree and sugar for the honeys.
Cook until thickened - thicker than syrup.

I googled for this post of mine from 1998 in r.f.preserving:

Subject: Peach Honey *
Date: 1998/08/20

12 ripe peaches
1 orange

Peel and crush the peaches. Grind the orange in a food grinder.
Combine. Measure volume and add an equal measure of sugar. Cook until
thickened -- like honey. Recipe said 20 minutes but I don't think that
comes close.

OK, that was the recipe. Here's what I did: Halved it because those
were the last of the peaches. (Used half an orange, rind and all). Ran
the peeled peaches through the fp with the coarse grater blade -- I
liked that. These were Colorado peaches and they held their shred very
nicely. In the interest of less sugar, I used only 3 cups of sugar to
4 cups shredded peaches. Wound up adding the last cup of sugar to it
-- tasted better and helped the consistency considerably. They don't
call it honey for nothing. Did I mention the *few* drops of vanilla
and almond at the end? That, too. (Pity they don't have a "Fruit
Honey" lot at my State Fair. I'm still grumpy because they bagged the
fruit butter category a year or two ago. Harruummmmph!)
Jarred, sealed, BWB'd for 10 minutes.
Oh, my.

Do a google advanced groups search on for "peach
honey" and "Melba's Jammin'" as the author. There are several
discussions there going back to maybe 1998. I've done it with Amaretto
included, too; sweet spices wouldn't hurt it, either.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/4/04.